Sloveso "to be"
Sloveso to be je jedným z prvých gramatických javov, ktorý sa na hodinách učí. Je to výborný štart do angličtiny, pretože ak ho ovládam, viem vyjadriť kto som, ako sa cítim a viem sa opísať. Na konci článku nájdete aj krátky test. Nezabudnite si stihanuť worksheet, kde nájdete poznámky a cvičenia. Happy learning 🙂
I am happy. We are happy.
You are happy. You are happy.
He is happy. They are happy.
She is happy.
It is happy.
Short forms
V hovorenej/ neformálnej angličtine je prirodzené používať skratky.
I am = I’m We are = We’re
You are = You’re You are = You’re
He is = He’s They are = They’re
She is = She’s
It is =It’s
Skratky sa používajú aj s menami alebo názvami.
- John is = John’s tall.
- London is a very big city. = London’s a very big city.
Sloveso to be poupoužívame ak hovoríme o:
- Vek: I’m 16 and my brother is six.
- Práca: She’s a student and her parents are teachers.
- Cena: This watch is $30.
- Čas: It’s nine o’clock.
- Pocit, stav: I’m hungry.
- Národnosť: They’re Argentinian.
- Farba: His eyes are blue.
Negative form
I am not young. We are not young.
You are not young. You are not young.
He is not young. They are not young.
She is not young.
It is not young.
I am not = I’m not
You are not = You’re not / You aren’t
He is not = He’s not / He isn’t
She is not = She’s not / She isn’t
It is not = It’s not / It isn’t
We are not = We’re not / We aren’t
You are not = You’re not / You aren’t
They are not = They’re not / They aren’t
Am I late? Are we late?
Are you late? Are you late?
Is he late? Are they late?
Is she late?
Is it late?
Sloveso to be používame ak sa chceme spýtať na:
- Vek: How old are you? Is he 16?
- Práca: Are you a student? No, I’m not.
- Cena: How much is this? Is it expensive?
- Čas: Is it ten o’clock? No, it isn’t. It’s eleven o’clock.
- Pocit, stav: I’m not tired. Are you tired?
- Národnosť: No, they’re not Spanish. Are you English?
- Farba: His eyes aren’t green, they’re blue.