Say vs Tell

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Význam a použitie

Vo všeobecnosti platí, že tell používame ak našu vetu niekomu adresujeme a to musí byť vo vete aj spomenuté. Naopak say používame vtedy ak vetu nikomu neadresujeme a teda vo vete ani nie je povedané komu to hovorím.

  • Tell me your name.
  • He told me about the accident.
  • Say your name.
  • He said that it was a terrible accident.


Slovesá say a tell sa používajú v priamej aj nepriamej reči. V priamej reči je častejšie využívané sloveso say.


  • “Turn left,” I / “Turn left,” I told him.
  • He said that it was her last chance. / He told her that it was her last chance.


Tell nám dáva význam “inštruovať”, “informovať” a preto sa v priamej reči nepoužíva pri pozdravoch, zvolaniach a otázkach.

  • He said, “Good evening.” (NOT He told them, “Good evening.”)
  • Jane said, “What a nice day.” (NOT Jane told them, “What a nice day.”)
  • “What do you think?” she said. (NOT “What do you think?” she told me.)


Say a predmet vo vete

Slovo say je najčastejšie používané bez predmetu, t.j. bez adresáta komu vetu hovorím.

  • He said that he would be late. (NOT He said me…)


Ak ale chceme použiť aj predmet a teda vyjadriť komu danú vetu hovorím, musím použiť to.

  • I say to all my colleagues in our company, that they are bunch of great people.


Tell a predmet vo vete

Po slovese tell používme predmet a teda hovoríme komu sme čo povedali.

  • He told me that he would be late. (NOT He told that…)


V niektorých prípadoch však predmet nepoužijeme. Napríklad: tell the truth, tell a lie, tell a story, tell a joke.

  • He is good at telling jokes. (NOT … saying jokes.)

Predmet so slovesom tell taktiež nepoužívame, ak nám dáva význam “rozoznať”, “porozumieť”… tell the difference, tell the time.

  • She can’t tell the difference between say and tell.


Ak chcem povedať nejaký fakt so slovesom tell, zvyčajne ho nevyjadrujeme zámenom it (niečo ako v slovenčine “Poviem ti to….”).

  • What time do we meet? – I’ll tell you tomorrow. (NOT I’ll tell you it tomorrow.)


Otázky v nepriamej reči

Ani tell ani say nemôžu uvádzať otázky v nepriamej reči. V tomto prípade používame sloveso ask.

John asked whether I wanted to go for a drink. (NOT John said whether… OR John told me whether…)


Say vs Tell

1 / 10

She .......... that she will join us after work.

2 / 10

She .......... me that she was going swimming this afternoon.

3 / 10

He .......... us that he couldn't come to work.

4 / 10

He .......... that he would like to go the cinema.

5 / 10

She .......... them she wanted to start.

6 / 10

He .......... that he was going to come at six.

7 / 10

They .......... that they didn't want to see us.

8 / 10

I .......... him I was happy.

9 / 10

She .......... Lucy that she was arriving on Monday.

10 / 10

We .......... that we were going on holiday the following summer.

Your score is

The average score is 86%


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