Používanie časov v súvetiach (part 2)
in case, I hope, I bet, it doesn’t matter etc.
Prítomný čas je bežne používaný vo význame budúceho času po in case, I hope a I bet.
- I have my tennis things in case we have time for a game tomorrow.
- I hope you sleep well.
- I bet he gets married before the end of the year.
Prítomný čas vo význame budúceho času taktiež používame po it doesn’t matter, I don’t care, it’s not important atď.
- It doesn’t matter where we go on holiday.
- I don’t care what we have for dinner if I don’t have to cook it.
Minulý čas namiesto would
Tak ako will aj would obvykle vynechávame vo vedľajších vetách. Namiesto would používame minulý čas.
- If I had lots of money, I would give some to anybody who asked for it.
- Would you follow me wherever I went?
- In a perfect world, you would be able to say exactly what you thought.
- I would always try to help anybody who was in trouble, whether I knew them or not.
“perfect and progressive” časy
Ak je význam vety jasný, vo vedľajšej vete zvyčajne použijeme minulý čas namiesto predprítomného (present perfect) a predminulého času (past perfect).
- It’s been a good time while it lasted.
- For thirty years, he had done no more than he needed to.
Priebehové formy slovies sú zase zvyčajne zamené za jednoduché.
- He’s working. But at the same time as he works, he’s exercising.
Tieto pravidlá často neplatia vo vedľajších vetách, ktoré začínajú s because, although, since, alebo v nedefinujúcich (non-defining clauses) vedľajších vetách.
- I won’t mind the heat on holiday because I won’t move about much.
- I’ll come to the opera with you, although I probably won’t enjoy it.