Slovo one často používame v prípade, keď nechceme opakovať už spomenuté podstatné meno v predchádzajúcej vete, alebo časti vety. Takže namiesto podstatného mena, použijeme one.
- Which is your boy? – The one in the blue coat.
- I’d like a cake. A big one with lots of cream.
- Can you lend me a pen? – Sorry, I haven’t got one.
a … one
Ak pred slovom one nepoužijeme prídavné meno, neurčitý člen a/ an vynecháme. Porovnaj:
- I’m looking for a flat. I’d like a small one with a garden.
- I’m looking for a flay. I’d like one with a garden.
Slovo one môžeme použiť aj v množnom čísle – ones.
- I’d like to try on those shoes. – Which ones? – The ones in the window.
- Green apples often taste better than red ones.
- What sort of sweets do you like? – Ones with chocolate inside.
Nepočítateľné podstatné mená
One(s) nepoužívame s nepočítateľnými podstatnými menami. Porovnaj:
- If you haven’t got a fresh chicken I’ll take a frozen one.
- If you haven’t got fresh cream I’ll take tinned (cream).
Which (one), this (one) etc.
One(s) môžeme vynechať ihneď po slovách which, this, that, another, either, neither a po superlatívoch ( the best, the hardest, the most beautiful).
- Which (one) would you like? – This (one) looks the nicest.
- Let’s have another (one).
- Either (one) will suit me.
- I think my dog’s the fastest (one).
Avšak nemôžeme ho vynechať ak po týchto slovách nasleduje prídavné meno.
- This blue one looks the nicest. (NOT This blue looks…)
Po slovách these a those vynechávame ones takmer vždy. Znie to prirodzenejšie.
- I don’t think much of these. (NOT … these ones.)
One(s) nepoužívame…
One(s) nepoužívame ihneď po my, your etc., some, several, a few, both a po číslach.
- Take your coat and pass me mine. (NOT … pass me my one)
- Are there any grapes? – Yes, I bought some today. (NOT I bought some ones…)
- I’ll take both. (NOT … both ones.)
- She bought six. (NOT … six one.)
Avšak môžeme ho použiť ak po týchto slovách nasleduje prídavné meno.
- Take this coat, I’ll wear my old one. (NOT … my old.)
- Are there any grapes? – Yes, I bought some sweet ones today. (NOT I bought some sweet today)
- Has the cat had her kittens? – Yes, she’s had four white ones. (NOT …four white.)
That of
One(s) zvyčajne nepoužívame po privlastnenom podstatnom mene Viliam’s, father’s etc. V takomto prípade buď one(s) vynecháme, alebo ho nahradíme väzbou that of/ those of, čo znie formálnejšie.
- A grandparent’s job is easier than a parent’s. (NOT … than a parent’s one)
- A grandparent’s job is easier than that of a parent. (NOT … than the one of a parent.)
- Rowling’s books are more entertaining than those of Tolkien’s. (NOT … than Tolkien’s ones/ the ones of Tolkien.)