Need (part 2)

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Need + -ing

Väzba need + -ing má rovnaký význam ako pri trpnom rode. V podstate to znamená, že niečo musí byť urobené, ale nechceme povedať kto to má urobiť, alebo to nie je podstatné.

  • That sofa needs cleaning (… needs to be cleaned…)
  • That report needs finishing.

V niektorých prípadoch môžeme použiť väzbu need + object + -ing/past participle.

  • You need your head examining. (or…. examined.)


Need not have…

Ak použijeme need not have done something, vyjadrujeme, že niekto niečo urobil, ale nebolo to nutné. Pravdepodobne to bolo mrhanie časom.

  • You needn’t have woken me up. I don’t have to go to work today.
  • I needn’t have cooked so much food. Nobody was hungry.



Pre porovnanie, ak použijeme did not need to do something, jednoducho hovoríme o tom, že to nebolo potrebné a nezáleží na tom, či to bolo urobené alebo nie.

  • I needn’t have watered the flowers. Just after I finished it started raining.
  • It started raining, so I didn’t need to water the flowers.


Need not vs Must not

Need not, alebo do not need to vyjadrujú, že nie je žiadna nutnosť/ povinnosť niečo urobiť. Must not vyjadruje, že niečo nesmieme urobiť (zákazy).

  • You needn’t tell Jennifer – she already knows.
  • You mustn’t tell Margaret – I don’t want her to know.

Need not  taktiež môže vyjadrovať, že niečo nemusí byť úplne pravda.

  • She looks quite ill. I’m sure it’s flu. – It needn’t Maybe she’s just tired.


Ako správne používať don't need/needn't/mustn't.

1 / 10

I _____ to go there.

2 / 10

You _____ finish it until next Friday.

3 / 10

We _____ sign up next week.

4 / 10

You _____ bother, I'll do it.

5 / 10

She made the dinner, but it was a waste of time. She ______.

6 / 10

You _____ take the raincoat. It won't rain.

7 / 10

We _____ take this road. It's under construction.

8 / 10

We _____ be late! The meeting starts in 20 minutes.

9 / 10

I _____ hurry. I have a plenty of time.

10 / 10

They _____ smoke in the building. It is forbidden.

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