Had better

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Had better používame na vyjadrenie veľmi silného odporúčania, rady, príkazu alebo zastrašovania. Jednoduchšie vyjadrené: ak chceme niekomu povedať čo má urobiť.

  • You’d better turn that music down before your dad gets angry.
  • It’s seven o’clock. I’d better put the meat in the oven.


Použitím had better, rozprávame o okamžitej/ blízkej budúcnosti a vyjadrujeme, že situácia je urgentnejšia ako v prípade should alebo ought to.

  • I really ought to go and see Fred one of these days. – Well, you’d better do it soon, because he’s leaving for South Africa at the end of the month.


Had better nepoužívame pri zdvorilých požiadavkách.

  • Could you help me, if you’ve got time? (request)
  • You’d better help me. If you don’t, there’ll be trouble (order/ threat)


Všimnite si, že had better nevyjadruje, že daná akcia je lepšia ako druhá, t.j. neporovnávame čo je lepšie a čo horšie. Had better vyjadruje “Bolo by dobré….” a nie “Bolo by lepšie… ako ….”.



Napriek tomu, že had better používame na vyjadrovanie okamžitej/ blízkej  budúcnosti, jeho forma je minulá (have better neexistuje). Po had better používame neurčitok bez to.

  • It’s late – you had better hurry up.

(NOT … you have better…)

(NOT … you had better hurrying/ to hurry…)


Zápor tvoríme: had better not + neurčitok bez to.

  • Youd better not wake me up when you come in.

(You hadn’t better wake me up… existuje ale je to veľmi nezvyčajné)


Je možné použiť zápornú formu otázky: Hadn’t … better …?

  • Hadn’t we better tell him the truth?


Krátke odpovede vyzerajú nasledovne:

  • Shall I put my clothes away? – You’d better!
  • He says he won’t tell anybody. – He’d better not.


Vo veľmi neformálnom štýle môžeme slovo had niekedy vynechať.

  • You better go now.
  • I better try again later.

Had better

Choose had better or had better not

1 / 12

It’s five o’clock. I ............... go now before the traffic gets too bad.

2 / 12

She ............... get here soon or she’ll miss the opening ceremony.

3 / 12

I ............... leave my bag there. Someone might steal it.

4 / 12

I ............... leave before it gets dark.

5 / 12

It is a very important secret. You ............... tell anybody.

6 / 12

You .......... take an umbrella. It's going to rain.

7 / 12

Nobody likes you so you ............... come to our party.

8 / 12

You ............... drink more beer. You'll be sick.

9 / 12

You are drunk and it makes me nervous. You ............... leave.

10 / 12

I'm not allowed to come back home late. I ............... go now.

11 / 12

Emma doesn't like when someone smokes in her room. You ............... smoke over there.

12 / 12

I ............... miss the last train to London.

Your score is

The average score is 90%
