"-ed" or "-ing"

1 / 12

This rainy weather is so ...........

2 / 12

My neighbors are very .......... because they make too much noise.

3 / 12

My new job is very ...........

4 / 12

They will be very .......... if I do well in my test.

5 / 12

John was .......... when he saw the view.

6 / 12

I'm .......... with my current job. I think, I'll find a new one.

7 / 12

The training session was very ..........

8 / 12

I'm .......... now. Does the bus leave at 5am or 5pm?

9 / 12

Did you hear the .......... news about the accident?

10 / 12

I'm never late for my class because it's .......... when everyone looks at me.

11 / 12

I'm not very .......... in sport.

12 / 12

I'm really afraid of large spiders. I think they are ...........

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The average score is 87%


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