Been vs Gone

1 / 10

Where have you ..........? I've been waiting for an hour.

2 / 10

Can I speak to Sarah please?! - Sorry, she has .......... to the supermarket.

3 / 10

I'll speak to him tomorrow- he's .......... home.

4 / 10

Don't wait for Kate, she has .......... to London.

5 / 10

Look! Kate has .......... to the hairdresser's, she has changed the colour of her hair!

6 / 10

Have you ever .......... to Prague?

7 / 10

I can't believe he's .......... the party without telling me.

8 / 10

You're late ! Where have you ..........?

9 / 10

I've never .......... to the USA, but I'd love to go!

10 / 10

She's .......... out for lunch- she'll be back at two o'clock.

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The average score is 89%


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