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  1. Above & over = higher than

Predložky above aj over môžeme použiť vo význame „higher than“ (vyššie než…).


  • The water came up above/over our knees.
  • Can you see the helicopter above/over tha palace?
  1. Above = not directly over

Predložku above použijeme, keď jedna vec nie je priamo nad tou druhou.


  • We have got a little house above the lake. (Nie „…over the lake.“)
  1. Over = covering

V prípade, že sa jedna vec dotýka druhej, alebo ju prekrýva, použijeme over.


  • There is cloud over the South of England.
  • He put a coat over his pyjamas.

V prípade, že sa jedna vec križuje s druhou, okrem over môžeme použiť predložku across.


  • The plane was flying over/across Denmark.
  • Electricity cables stretch over/across the fields.
  1. Merania

Pri meraniach teploty alebo výšky alebo v iných prípadoch, kedy berieme do uváhy VERTIKÁLNU stupnicu, použijeme above.


  • The temperature is three degrees above zero.
  • She is well above average in intelligence.
  • The summit of Everest is about 8000 metres above sea level.
  1. Vek, rýchlosť a vyjadrenie „more than“

Over použijeme, keď hovoríme o veku alebo rýchlosti a v zmysle „more than“ (viac ako…).


  • You have to be over 18 to see this film.
  • The police said she was driving at over 110 mph.
  • There were over 100,000 people at the festival.
  1. Knihy a noviny

V knihách alebo novinách slovo above môže znamenať „uvedené vyššie, uvedené predtým“.


  • The above rules and regulations apply to all students.
  • For prices and delivery charges, see above.

See over v tomto prípade zamená „pozrite na ďalšiu stranu“.


  • There are cheap flights at weekends: see over.

Above vs Over

1 / 12

We have got a little house _____ the lake.

2 / 12

There is cloud ____ the South of England.

3 / 12

He put a coat ____ his pyjamas.

4 / 12

The plane was flying ____ Denmark.

5 / 12

Electricity cables stretch ____ the fields.

6 / 12

The temperature is three degrees ____ zero.

7 / 12

She is well ____ average in intelligence.

8 / 12

The summit of Everest is about 8000 metres ____ sea level.

9 / 12

You have to be ____ 18 to see this film.

10 / 12

The police said she was driving at ____ 110 mph.

11 / 12

There were ____ 100,000 people at the festival.

12 / 12

The ____ rules and regulations apply to all students.

Your score is

The average score is 79%
